Banu Cennetoğlu

2017, Compiled and updated by UNITED for Intercultural Action (1993 - ), distributed as an insert in Tagesspiegel Berlin edition and as a poster campaign in 48 locations
The List is a document which traces information related to the death of more than 33.293 refugees and migrants who have lost their lives within, or on the borders of Europe since 1993 (Documented as of 15 June 2017). The data are compiled and updated each year by UNITED for Intercultural Action. Since 2006, in collaboration with art workers and institutions, Banu Cennetoğlu has facilitated up-to-date and translated versions of The List using public display and distribution structures.
From November 9 to November 20, the current document translated into German and compiled to 48 pages will be distributed in the city of Berlin. Der Tagesspiegel dated November 9, 2017 – unsold copies of the daily run – along with The List as their supplement will be available for free during the Herbstsalon.
You can download "The List" here:
Banu Cennetoğlu, born in Ankara, lives and works in Istanbul. Her works have been shown a.o. at Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (2015), Kunsthalle Basel (2011) and at documenta 14, Athens and Kassel (2017).